
Mar 20, 2024


Xena Xu


Design tool


Analysis of design methods


minute read

How RCA tutors taught us to efficiently streamline the design process?

How RCA tutors taught us to efficiently streamline the design process?

This article aims to share one of the approaches I learnt at RCA: the double diamond model

Basic Components and Approach

The two diamonds represent the process of exploring a problem more broadly or deeply (divergent thinking) and then taking focused action (convergent thinking). It is divided into four parts:

- Discover/Research

1. Question your initial question and assess areas of interest.

2. List as many elements as possible to define the area of interest, list locations, portraits, experiences that are relevant and can be explored.

3. Categorise findings by theme to get a general picture and limit the scope of what you want to research before delving deeper.

4. Research in depth. Apply both primary and secondary research.

- Define/Synthesis

In order to make sense of your research findings, you need to define your research in the following steps:

1. Summarise the original research findings and share them with your team.

2. Categorise what you have learned.

3. Find insights (these can be about consumer motivations, visions or pain points on specific topics)

4. Create HMW questions (so-called "How do we...") questions that specify what to do or what problem to solve in the action area)

As a result, you get a revised brief detailing the actual problem to be solved.

- Develop/ldeation

1. This is a developmental stage section. You should avoid limiting yourself and conceptualise with an open mind. Adopt a "yes, and..." mentality rather than a "No or "Yes, but..." mentality. At this point, let anything happen and build on each other's ideas.

2. At the end of the ideation phase, evaluate your ideas and pick your favourite ones. Two tools that can come in handy are the vote counting method and the impact/feasibility matrix.

In the end, you should end up with a handful of ideas, which you then prototype and test.

- Deliver/Implementation

You can use a rapid approach consisting of three steps:

Build a prototype, test and analyse, iterate and repeat

As a result, you should be able to launch the final proposal, product, answer or solution.

The size of the diamond in the 'double diamond' design process may differ based on your project's specific needs, allowing you to focus or emphasize certain aspects more than others. Additionally, the process is non-linear, requiring readiness and flexibility to adapt and toggle between phases as necessary.